

usiness Owners, Entrepreneurs, and Founders

Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, and Founders

Don't Start a Business & Scale It

the High-Risk "Start-Up" Way, Instead

BUY an Existing Profitable Business

Jim Oliver

What Assets Do You Need
to Scale Your Business?

  • Instant Customers

  • Instant Sales

  • Instant Profits

  • More Financing Options

  • Established Brand Recognition

  • Instant Contacts

  • Instant Systems

  • Instant Employees

Discover how you can acquire

the business assets you need

through strategic business acquisitions

for Little or No Money Out of Pocket.


Food & Beverage Manufacturers

Nutraceutical & Pharmaceutical Formulators

Why is NOW an Ideal Time

to Scale Your Business

with Strategic Business Acquisitions?

Running a business and trying to scale it can be a never-ending challenge.

In these crazy times, you also have to deal with:

  • Pandemic issues

  • War in Europe

  • Global Energy Issues

  • Supply-Chain Issues

  • Inflation Issues

  • Recession Issues

  • Staffing Issues

As an entrepreneur with the right mindset, you probably realize that in crazy times there are far more opportunities you can leverage than during calm normal times.

If you know what you’re doing, this is great time to scale your business.

What’s the first line in the novel “A Tale of Two Cities”? “It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.”

As an entrepreneur these are definitely the best of times especially if you know how to leverage strategic business acquisitions.

The Best Way to Scale Your Company And

Amplify Your Reach Is to...

Buy Someone Else’s

Profitable Business

and Traffic Assets

for Little or No Money Out of Pocket

Five Crises

Creating Unprecedented Opportunity

In today’s wildly uncertain world we are currently experiencing FIVE crises that make NOW the Best Time in over 30 years to use strategic business acquisitions to grow your company.

If you have the right mindset and you know what to do,

you can leverage these crises to your benefit to

create a Massive Competitive Advantage.

Crisis 1 – Baby Boomers are Aging Out

75% of accountants are retiring in the next 10 years

Baby Boomers Must Exit Their Business:

  • 50 million Baby Boomers will retire over the next 10 years. – Ins. Ret. Inst.

  • 12 million Baby Boomers own businesses – Wealth Management Report

  • 4.5 Million businesses worth $10T will transition over the next 10 years. – EPI

A Few Common Reasons Why Profitable Businesses Are Available for Sale:

  • Retirement

  • Burnout

  • Health

  • Divorce

Crisis 2 – Market Overcapacity

The supply of businesses for sale far exceeds the number of buyers. In other words, in the world of business acquisitions, it’s a buyer’s market.

The Market for Businesses to Buy is HUGE.

  • 595,000 business simply close, every year.

  • 80% of businesses put up for sale, never sell.

  • At any given time in the US, Europe, Canada, and Australia 3.6 million businesses that were for sale, never find a buyer.

Only 20% of businesses

that go to market,

end up selling.

– BizBuySell Insights

Crisis 3 – Fails and Closings

Every year there are 6.5 million startups.

  • 90% of 1st time founders fail

  • 80% prior unsuccessful founders fail

  • 75% of VC funded founders fail

  • 70% of previously successful founders fail

  • 90% of businesses 10+ years old survive

Source: CB Insights / Failory / SBA

A Large Number of Businesses Close

  • For a wide variety of reasons, about 595,000 businesses simply close.

  • Many of those businesses that close are still making a profit when they close.

A Few Common Reasons Why Profitable Businesses Close:

  • Retirement

  • Burnout

  • Health

  • Divorce

  • No Friends or Relatives to Take on the Business

Crisis 4 – Covid’s Legacy

Lots of businesses shut down or suffered from business turn down during Covid.

Crisis 5 – The “Attention Crisis”
(and its Impact on Productivity)

In our fast paced, always-on, always-available world, we now have to deal with something new. It's called the “Attention Crisis” and its impacting our daily life.

Our attention span is shrinking.

A shortened attention span in the workplace has a huge impact on productivity.

Most people in today’s world are so distracted, unfocused, and can’t pay attention to the degree that they can’t even function properly. They are:

  • Missing important details

  • Not listening during meetings and lectures

  • Easily distracted

  • Unable to do deep work

  • Unable to follow through with tasks

  • Constantly “chasing shiny objects”

According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, at the U.S. National Library of Medicine, the average attention span of a human being has dropped from 12 seconds in 2000 to 8 seconds in 2013.

According to reports, a goldfish has an attention span of 9-seconds.


A goldfish can focus on a task or object longer than a modern human?

Goldfish = 9 seconds

Humans = 8 seconds

Q: What does "attention span" mean?

A: Attention span is the amount of concentrated time you can focus on a task without becoming distracted.

If you review your past week, most likely there were dozens of times that your attention was yanked all over the place by others without your direct consent.

While you were working:

  • you had to keep checking your email

  • you were pulled into social media

  • someone called you when it suited them

  • a coworker interrupted you

  • a Facebook ad caught your attention and you went click, click, click into another endless rabbit hole

What did that do to your ability to maintain your focus?

Research shows that the average knowledge worker is interrupted every 11 minutes (and it takes up to 23 minutes to get back into focus after a disruption).

At this rate, this means unless we do something about it, 21st century life will become one big, elongated distraction.

We’re in the middle of a War for Your Attention and we’re losing that war.

Social media hires an army of experts to develop ways to claw their way into your mind. Your attention is now a currency and they want it.

Constant distractions online and offline keep preventing you from doing the deep work you need to do to complete important tasks.

Your employees and your family are also dealing with the modern struggle of always being distracted and losing focus.

Welcome to the 21st century where you and the people around you can’t focus or pay attention.

Which is impacting our happiness and our productivity.

But there is an upside to all of this.

Yes, there is good news. There is hope.

Acquisitions vs Startups

Q: What’s the fastest, most productive, and least risky way to go from where you are today to where you want to be?

A: Buy an existing profitable business.

It's much harder to start a business from scratch than it is to buy an existing profitable business that's already operating, for lots of reasons.

Why Buy an Existing Profitable Business

vs Start a Startup?

When you buy an existing profitable business, you get the following benefits that are not available when you start a business from scratch:

  • Less Risk

  • More Financing Options

  • Established Brand Recognition

  • Instant Customers

  • Instant Sales

  • Instant Profits

  • Instant Contacts

  • Instant Systems

  • Instant Employees

As your Acquisition Advisor,

I work with you to Implement

The Most Powerful And Commonly

Used Growth Lever Used By The Top 1%

Of Business Owners In The World.

Why Learn From Me?

This is For You If

You Want The Following...

  • To profit ethically while quickly acquiring businesses worldwide.

  • Accelerate the timeline to acquire your first (or next) business.

  • To acquire other businesses for little to no money out of pocket.

Imagine being able to quickly acquire customers in large numbers and immediately increase profits?

Succeeding in today’s business environment means

constantly looking for ways to do things better.


Imagine eliminating every challenge that is stopping you from making significant strides in your business, such as:

  • financial limitations

  • staffing limitations

  • technological roadblocks

  • development needs

  • any other resource that stops you from exponential growth

Can you imagine how much easier and enjoyable business would be?

“Ethical Growth In a Time of Crises”

From The Desk Of Jim Oliver

Saint Louis, MO

Succeeding in today’s crazy business environment means constantly looking for ways to do things better.

If you are like most entrepreneurs, you are longing to find a Massive Competitive Advantage.

Am I right?

If so, just know that you’ve come to the right place!

My team and I offer you three ways to get a
Massive Competitive Advantage:

  • Hyper Focus

  • Connection

  • Increased Impact

Click here for more details

A Few Quick Questions

Let me ask you a few questions…

When it comes to business growth:

  • Do you want the ability to acquire profitable businesses & traffic channels

  • Do you need to eliminate your growth stalls by quickly acquiring customers in large numbers and immediately increase profits?

  • Have you heard of using Mergers & Acquisitions to grow your business but don’t feel like you have the time, bandwidth, or capital to do it?

  • Are the traditional scaling methods like paid traffic preventing you from breaking through the 7-figure barrier?

  • Are the people, profits, and processes you need to get to the next level missing from your business?

  • Would you like to “bolt-on” additional businesses to expand your existing operations to outpace and outsell your competition

When it comes to increasing your productivity:

  • Are you having a hard time overcoming all the distractions in your work and personal life (online and offline)?

    Our solution: Our Distraction Disruption Course

  • Are you having a hard time concentrating your attention long enough to get important tasks done?

    Our solution: Our Flow Advantage Master Class

If you answered “Yes” to any of the above questions, then you came to the right place.

Book a Free 20-minute Discovery Call and we can discuss your needs and dreams.

Here's How

Business Acquisition Works...

Step 1: Mindset.

You need to THINK Differently.

You need to realize that buying a business (or its assets) is the fastest way to accomplish your growth goals and why NOW is the best time in over 30 years to do so.

Step 2: FINDING deals.

We research 70 different types of deals sources. We analyze, screen, and filter the deals we find until we find the deal(s) that are right for you.

Step 3: FUNDING deals.

We know how to creatively and ethically fund deals.

We have 159 funding strategies in our toolbox. We whittle down our funding options to a few that will work best for you.

We can also connect you with almost 6,000 different funding sources we are using in our community right now.

We can use these strategies to fund the deal for little or no money out of your pocket!

We creatively put together deals in which everyone wins.

I am so excited to share this process with you… because I know the power and potential it has for you as well as the impact it can make on others around you.

So if you are ready to get focused, take action, and win – I want you to Book a Discovery Call.

To your success,

– Jim

Buying an existing business

is SO much easier

than starting one.

And it requires the

same amount of capital (or less).


One comes with

pre-existing sales

and proof of concept.

The other comes with headaches.

Why Bring Me On As A Consultant?

As your business mentor/consultant/advisor, I can help you see things clearly.

I can bring you strategies and new ways of seeing things.

We have three ways to help you achieve a Massive Competitive Advantage:

Quickly scale your business

by strategically acquiring business assets from existing profitable businesses.

Increasing your personal productivity

by teaching you how to disrupt distractions and use flow on a consistent basis.

Increase your business productivity

by using Lean Process Improvement Analysis to review the processes in each of your teams and then identify opportunities for improvement.

I can help you find and fund the acquisition of existing profitable businesses in a wide variety of ways. Ways that only the top 1% have known about.

Every deal is ethical, profitable, and win-win for everyone involved.

Imagine being able to acquire laser targeted businesses (or assets) with little or no money out of pocket.

We use Proven Business Valuation Formulas to easily identify rock solid opportunities and reliably avoid unfavorable businesses.

This allows us to:

  • take advantage of opportunities that others pass up

  • avoid the biggest mistakes

Succeeding in today’s business environment means constantly looking for ways to do things better.

Being an entrepreneur can be very lonely. But when you bring me onboard to help you, I am there to help you grow your company.

I’m like your business growth “running buddy.”

You’re never alone.


My team and I work with you to identify your growth criteria and then find and fund strategic business and traffic assets that fit your criteria. Whether it’s:

  • Instant Customers

  • Instant Sales

  • Instant Profits

  • More Financing Options

  • Established Brand Recognition

  • Instant Contacts

  • Instant Systems

  • Instant Employees

This allows you to grow much faster and more strategically than you competition.

The ability to quickly acquire the targeted assets you need to grow, gives your business gives you a Massive Competitive Advantage.

Increasing your personal productivity

What could you accomplish in your business and personal life if you had a playbook that showed you how to:

  • disrupt the distractions in your life so that you can focus your attention for long periods of time

  • do meaningful high-priority work for hour after hour after hour

  • perform at your peak

  • accomplish goals you thought were impossible

  • get into Flow State on a consistent basis so that you can get more done in one day than most people get done in a week

  • get better results faster with less effort

Imagine the larger impact you could make in your life, work, and community.

With our Flow Advantage Master Class you can discover how to use the world’s most cutting-edge, neuroscience-based strategies to help you perform at your peak.

“Flow” is the key to achieving maximum performance in everything you do.

In the flow state, your fears drop away and your insights, pattern recognition, and decision-making abilities rise to ridiculously effective levels.

The Ability to Consistently Get Into Flow State


Use Sustained Concentration

to do Meaningful High Priority Work


Massive Competitive Advantage

Blaze Past Your Competitors

In the War For Your Attention (aka “the Attention Crisis”), the ability to get into states of deep flow on a consistent basis is becoming increasingly rare. And at the same time, it’s becoming increasingly valuable.

The ability to disrupt distractions and use hyper-focused Flow can increase your productivity by 500%.

Imagine, for a minute, what it would feel like to go to work on Monday

and get the same amount done in one day as others get done in an entire week.

We created a Master Class and coaching program based on cutting-edge neuroscience and 20-years of research of elite peak performers (athletes, CEOs, artists, scientists, and others) to help you perform at your peak, even during the Attention Crisis.

When you learn the “Flow Advantage” skills we teach you in the Master Class, you’ll be able to blaze past your competitors and leave them in the dust.

Success Skills Required

for the 21st Century

When you look at the skill required to get ahead in the 21st century, three of the top skills are:

  • Creativity

  • Learning

  • Productivity

Research shows that Flow jacks up these skills.

Increase your business productivity

In addition to growing your company with business acquisitions, you can increase business productivity through the use of our Lean Process Improvement Analysis.

This is where we review the processes used by each of your teams and then identify opportunities for improvement.

What is Lean Process Improvement?

The goal of Lean Process Improvement is to enable teams to systematically find ways to deliver more value to their customers faster.

“Unhappy customers, stressed colleagues, missed deadlines, and increased costs are just some of the problems that dysfunctional processes can create,” according to Mind Tools, a provider of on-demand career and management learning solutions.

If an organization is not continuously improving the way it performs processes, it will likely fall behind in the market.

Our Lean Process Improvement Analysis reviews the processes in each of your teams and then identifies opportunities for improvement.

When implemented successfully, the results of following effective process improvement steps can be measured in the enhancement of product quality, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, increased productivity, development of the skills of employees, efficiency, and increased profit.

Is 2023 the year you

take your business

to the next level?

Will This Be The Year?

Will this be the year you finally:

  • Scale your business to the next level

  • Amplify your reach

  • Thrive amidst uncertainty, chaos, and overwhelm

  • Blaze passed your competition

  • Accomplish goals you thought were impossible

How Can I Help You?

My team and I offer business owners three ways to get a Massive Competitive Advantage:

  • Hyper Focus

  • Connection

  • Increased Impact

Hyper Focus

Hyper Focus allows you to increase your personal and professional productivity by:

  • Disrupting the distractions in your life

  • Getting into Flow State on a consistent basis so that you can

    get more done in a day than most people get done in a week.

Harness Flow States to work smarter and faster, Not harder

This allows you to work on important tasks hour after hour with effortless effort.


In our Inner Circle Mastermind, we work with a small intimate group of like-minded ambitious business owners who are looking to go from success to significance.

Business owners committed to solving impossible problems that uplift humanity and the environment.

People committed to supporting each other at a level most entrepreneurs never get to experience in a lifetime.

Increased Impact

Scaling thru strategic acquisitions allows you to increase your impact and grow your business quicker than a Startup business.

The strategies we use allow you to bolt on specific business or traffic assets to solve your current business growth needs for little or no money out of pocket. This allows you to quickly add:

  • Instant Customers

  • Instant Sales

  • Instant Profits

  • More Financing Options

  • Established Brand Recognition

  • Instant Contacts

  • Instant Systems

  • Instant Employees

We Also Provide the Following Consultant
and Business Mentoring Services

Increased Business Productivity:

Lean Process Improvement Analysis

Review the processes in each of your teams and then identify opportunities for improvement

Marketing Analysis

Review your Marketing and offer advice on improving it to generate more leads, more sales, and more profit.

Marketing Research

Research your ideal customers to find out what they are looking for.

Research what you competitors are doing online.

Spot M&A trends in your industry.

Increased Productivity

Flow Advantage Coaching + Distraction Disruption

Discover how to use the world’s most cutting-edge, neuroscience-based strategies to help you perform at your peak.

We created a Flow Advantage Master Class based on cutting-edge neuroscience and 20-years of research of elite peak performers (athletes, CEOs, artists, scientists, and others).

This 7-week Masterclass includes one-on-one coaching calls to hold you accountable.

A small intimate group of like-minded business owners from all over the world who are looking to go from success to significance.

People committed to solving impossible problems that uplift humanity.

People committed to supporting each other at a level most entrepreneurs never get to experience in a lifetime.

Is this something you'd like to participate in?

The Goal is to help you achieve the Massive Competitive Advantage you need to grow your business, make a positive impact, and blaze past your competition.

Do you want my help growing your business?

Yes, I Want To Work With Jim.
No Thanks. I’d Rather Do It Myself

your needs

What You Need To

Grow Your Business

  • Instant Customers

  • Instant Sales

  • Instant Profits

  • More Financial Options

  • Established Brand Recognition

  • Instant Contacts

  • Instant Systems

  • Instant Employees

our solutions

What We Offer To Help You
Grow Your Business

  • Scale/Grow with Strategic Acquisitions

  • Business Mentoring

  • Exit Valuation Multiplier

  • Half-Day Consultation

Funding Deals

Not only do we FIND the deals, we also find ways to FUND any deal.

More specifically, funding deals with little or no money out of your own pocket!

Our “Funding Toolbox” has 159 proven deal funding strategies we can choose from.

We’ll whittle those down to a few that will work best for you and the deal we are working on.

We can also connect you with almost 6,000 different funding sources we are using in our community right now.

Funding a deal will never be a problem.



If you're not completely satisfied

we'll refund your money

with no questions asked!

Who is Jim Oliver

I am an investor, business mentor, Acquisition Advisor, Business Growth Strategist, and Exit Valuation Multiplier.

I help entrepreneurs increase their productivity and acquire, grow, and exit 7, 8, and 9 figure businesses.

I am a creative thinking, problem solving idea guy with high tolerance for ambiguity. I love a creative challenge.

Depending on your needs and your personal situation...

This may be the perfect time to BUY a business.

Or it’s the perfect time to SELL a business.

In either case, I can help you.


I’m much, much, more than that.

Over the years I've been:

  • Marketing Director for an e-commerce company that sells rolling paper made from organic mint

  • Marketing Director for a brick and mortar company that sells Gutter Guards

  • Flow Coach (based on the Flow Research Collective model)

  • Owned a Digital Marketing Agency (digital courses, events, and e-commerce products)

  • Sales Funnel Designer and Developer

  • Copywriter

  • Podcaster, interviewer, producer, editor, publisher

  • IT Consultant in 10 different industries

  • A fiddle player (perpetual beginner) :)

  • Student of Taiji & QiGong

  • Former Peace Corps Volunteer

  • Hospice Volunteer

  • My Son's Father

For my current clients and partners, I bring my skills, knowledge, experience, resources, connections, and network.

I currently live in Saint Louis, MO.

As an investor and business mentor, I’m industry agnostic.

That being said, I’m deeply committed to helping businesses owners who see Climate Change as a Challenge and are willing to step up and produce product/services that can help mitigate the impact of Climate Change and/or help reduce the pain and suffering Climate Change will bring.

Click Here for details on Who and What We Seek Page.

Do you want my help growing your business?  If so, then Book a Discovery Call. Let's talk about your needs.


As a Business Owner:

  • You want to eliminate your growth stalls.

  • You don’t feel like you have the time, bandwidth, or capital to use Mergers and Acquisitions to grow your business.

  • The people, profits, and processes you need to get to the next level are missing from your business.

  • Your shrinking attention span prevents you from getting focused and doing deep work on important tasks.

  • Your marketing is not as effective as it could be, and you don’t know what to do about it.


How We Can Help You:

  • Strategic business acquisitions allow you to get the exact assets you need to instantly scale your business, which gives your business a Massive Competitive Advantage

  • Get focused. Get back you attention. Get into flow on a consistent basis and disrupt distractions so you can to get more done in a day than most people get done in a week. Which give you a Massive Competitive Advantage.

  • Let us work with you to review your needs and offer solutions tailored to those needs.

If you are ready to take the Next Step,

Book a FREE 20-minute Discovery Call

(see form below).

Let’s sit down and talk about:

  • You business growth needs.

  • The obstacles you are facing.

  • What you are looking for. Is it learning new skills, getting more done in less time, or increasing your creativity.

The Best Way to Scale Your Company And

Amplify Your Reach Is to...

Buy Someone Else’s
Profitable Business

and Traffic Assets

for Little or No Money Out of Pocket

If you would like Jim and his team to

help you scale your company,

Book a Discover Call.

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