
Business Owners About to Close for Good

Are You
Going Out of Business?

Attention: Business Owners about to Close for Good...

Are You about to

Close Your Business

for Good?



Before You Close...

Let's chat

I work with a group of wealthy investors who provide capital to companies.

We typically invest in, merge, or acquire the companies we work with.

Before you close your profitable business and walk away from it for good, let's chat.

If this sounds like something that might interest you, I would love to set a time to discuss it in more detail.

Jim Oliver


Business Mentor

If you're interested...

Please fill out the form.

  • Tell us about yourself

  • Briefly describe your company

  • Tell us what you want to discuss

We will review your information and then set up a time to chat on the phone to explore the possibilities.

Tell Us About Yourself

Tell Us About Your Company

What Are You Interested In?

(How can we help you?)

We will review your business details and

get back with you to set up a phone call shortly.

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