

Business Owners,

Entrepreneurs, and Founders

Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, and Founders

Has Your 7+ Figure Business

Stopped Growing?

Are the people, profits,

and processes you need to

get to the next level Missing?  

Are you looking for

new and better ways

to grow your business

and increase valuation?


Has Your 7+ Figure Business Stopped Growing?


Are the People, Profits,

and Processes you need to

get to the Next Level Missing?  


Are you looking for

New and Better ways

to Grow Your Business

and Increase Valuation?

If you're looking for a Growth Partner,

you’ve come to the right place.

“Sustainable & Ethical Growth
In a Time of Crises”

From The Desk Of:

Jim Oliver

Saint Louis, MO

October 22, 2024

Fellow Entrepreneur:


What you know and when you know it – can Make or Break You!


Succeeding in today’s crazy, uncertain, business environment means constantly looking for ways to do things better.


The world has gone crazy.

Everything we once took for granted is changing at a frighteningly fast and furious pace.

Day by day the world is getting more confusing and complex.

Changes that used to take place over a lifetime are taking place overnight.

In these days of great changes there are incredible new opportunities for mega-profits and at the same time there are perilous new pitfalls and dangers to be avoided...

  • new technology

  • huge natural disasters

  • international credit crisis

  • stock market panic

  • cost of goods going up, up, up

Yet in spite of all this change and uncertainty, you want to find a way to thrive in a time of crises and surf above the tsunami of change.

But where do you start?

You have built a 7+figure profitable business. It has been magical, scary, thrilling, and challenging.

There is so much more you want to do with your business.

You may have at least a rough idea of where you want to take your business, but you have two problems...

  • You don’t know how to get there

  • Your business has stopped growing.


You want to take your profitable business to the next level, but you don’t know how.

You want to grow your business but lately nothing has been working.

Traditional scaling methods like paid traffic aren’t working out.

You’re too busy and overwhelmed in your business to set aside time to plan a strategy for the future.

There just isn't enough time to figure it out.

And there are so many options to choose from.

Your life would be so much better if you had a roadmap or strategic plan that you could use to

bridge the gap between where you currently are and where you want to be.

You’re certain that if you just did a few little things in your business, you’d be so much further along.

But you’re extremely busy and don’t have the time to figure it out.

Let me ask you a question:

What steps can you take in the next 30 days

that can help your business

grow dramatically this year?

It’s a Challenge Trying to Keep Up

If you’re like most business owners, you are really good at somethings and not so good at others.

Sometimes, the areas you are NOT strong at can prevent you from growing your business to the next level.

And sometimes, you experience hard times and

feel like your hair is on fire and you don’t know what to do.

You feel overwhelmed and confused.

It would be great to have someone you can contact when you get into a jam.

That’s when you might want to reach out to a Business Mentor.

With a Business Mentor you are never alone.

To your success,

– Jim

What you know and when you know it
can make or break you!

Why Bring Me On as
Your Business Mentor?

Jim Oliver

As your business mentor,
I can help you see things clearly.

I can bring you strategies and new ways of seeing things.

As your Business Mentor the type of business you’re in does not matter. The business strategies we use work in all kinds of businesses.

If you’re looking for someone to help custom-tailor business strategies to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be, let us know.

I'd love the opportunity to work with you as your business mentor.

The way we do this is: we have you invest in a Half-Day Consult with me (up to four hours).

During the consult we address all of your most pressing issues and create an action plan for working through and resolving them.

During that time, we'll identify:

  • what are your goals

  • what are your biggest challenges

  • where you are now

  • where you want to get to

And then we'll figure out how to bridge the gap. In other words, we create a roadmap that shows you how to get you from where you currently are to where you want to be.

The investment is $20K and after our initial meeting, we can decide if it makes sense to work together further.

My Evil Plan...

My “evil plan” is that I'm going to razzle, dazzle, frazzle you so much that you're going to decide that you absolutely must have me as part of your business.

And that you're going to ask me to come into the business and be a partner or have equity ownership.

Let me know if that sounds like a fit

and I'll send you the one-page agreement

and wirings instructions.

If not, no worries.


Food & Beverage Manufacturers

Nutraceutical & Pharmaceutical Formulators

Your Half-Day Consult Options

If you plan to scale or exit your business, chances are we can take care of your most pressing issues during a Half-Day Consult.

Every Consult is strategically designed to leave you with invaluable insights and actionable takeaways

Some people call me the Half-Day Business Mentor. :)

Here is a list of the most popular Half-Day Consult Packages I provide business owners:

Growth by Acquisitions


You’ve heard of using Mergers & Acquisitions to grow your business.

You would love to use strategic acquisitions to quickly acquire customers in large numbers and immediately increase profits.

But you don’t feel like you have the time, bandwidth, or capital to do it.

Note: We've identified 220+ methods to fund a business without using your personal credit or emptying your own bank account.

Buying an existing business is

SO much easier than starting one.

And it requires the same amount

of capital (or less).

One comes with pre-existing sales

and proof of concept.

The other comes with headaches.

This Half-Day Consult shows you how to experience hyper-growth for your company through strategic acquisitions.

Business Sale

(Exit Ready)

If you want to sell your business, your business has to be Exit Ready.

How do you get your company ready for exit?

Successful exits do not happen on a whim or by chance, they require proper planning.

So, whether you are ready to sell your business now or want to be Exit Ready when the time is right, we can set the foundation for your success while avoiding the common pitfalls that many sellers fall victim to without knowing it.

This Half-Day Consult can get you Exit Ready.

Grow Value

(Transferable Value)

This Half-Day Consult shows you how to increase the value of your company.

We show you how to get the most money at exit…Not how to exit, but how to get the most money for your exit.

If you’re looking to increase the value of your company, this is the Half-Day Consult you need.

Leveraged Sales

(Grow Sales)

This Half-Day Consult shows you how to have significantly more sales with significantly less effort.

Discover how to flood your business with sales with our lead-flow framework and the best conversion strategies that have been mastered across 8 and 9 figure businesses.

Bankable Profits

(Grow Profits)

Are there profit opportunities hidden somewhere in your business that you don’t know about and don’t know how to find?

This Half-Day Consult shows you how to find profit
opportunities hidden in your business and thus increase your profits dramatically.

If you are NOT currently profitable, it can show you how to return to profitability.

Marketing Makeover

If the marketing of your business leaves a lot to be desired, this Half-Day Consult shows you how to work on your value ladder and get significantly more money coming in.

After showing you where the biggest profit opportunities are, we can show you how to position, change, modify, or completely re-do your marketing.

Elevate Customer Experience

This Half-Day Consult shows you how to elevate the customer experience, which is going to ultimately make your company better.

Result: Happier employees, customers, and bankers.

"What Else You Got?"

If your business has unique needs or the above programs do not fit your situation, feel free to order something off-the-menu.

My team and I can customize a Half-Day Consult for your special situation, including but not limited to the following:

Increased Business Productivity:

Lean Process Improvement Analysis

Review the processes in each of your teams and then identify opportunities for improvement

Innovation and Design

How can you stay ahead of your competition and create new things that people will value?

Creativity & Empathy

When you look at the skills required to get ahead in the 21st century, four of the top skills are:

  • Creativity

  • Empathy

  • Learning

  • Productivity

Creativity + Intelligence

Boosts Innovation

Empathy + Wisdom

Boosts Collaboration and Cooperation

CEO's around the world agree that creativity and empathy are the attributes they need the most in their companies and the greatest difficulty hiring for or training in.

They need creativity to drive innovation, harness the power of disruptive technology, and keep pace in this fast changing world.

They need empathy to boost team performance, collaboration, and cooperation.

Empathy also helps employees to think like their customers, which is necessary in a customer-centric company.


Make the move from being a manager to being a leader of your company.

You can also bring leadership development skills to the people who run your company.


How do you get money for your company?


How do you do your accounting? How do you cash budget? How do you allocate for the future? How do you manage your cashflow so that you don't run out of money

ESG and Sustainability

It’s no longer business as usual.

As laws become stricter and investors and consumers demand more, it's becoming increasingly important to consider sustainability and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors when making decisions.

But it can be difficult to turn insights into action.

Get the latest actionable insights, trends, best practices, and tools & resources to learn how to innovate and put sustainability solutions into practice.

Climate Change Mitigation

Unlock the potential of your business to help reduce the effects of Climate Change. Explore the ways in which you can create a positive contribution to Climate Change mitigation.

Climate Change Adaptation

Discover how you can leverage your business to create strategies for Climate Change adaptation. Explore the potential for your business to drive solutions for Climate Change adaptation.


Explore ways in which your business can contribute to the regeneration of the environment. We can discuss innovative solutions and how to best implement them.

If you’re like most business owners, you are really good at somethings and not so good at others. Sometimes, the areas you are not strong at can prevent you from growing your business to the next level.

And sometimes, you experience hard times and feel like your hair is on fire and you don’t know what to do.

That’s when you might want to reach out to a Business Mentor.

If you need a Business Mentor, click the button below, fill out our short application and we'll send you a one-page agreement and wiring instructions.

We look forward to helping you solve your challenges and get you to the next level.

Do you want my help growing your business?

Yes, I Want To Work With Jim.
No Thanks. I’d Rather Do It Myself

About Jim Oliver

I am an investor, Business Mentor, Business Growth Strategist, Acquisition Advisor, Exit Valuation Multiplier, and Podcaster.

I help entrepreneurs acquire, grow, and exit 7, 8, and 9 figure businesses.

My goal is to help entrepreneurs do the impossible: connect with like-minded souls as they innovate, implement, and scale solutions that get us out of this Climate Change mess.

I’ve been a consultant in 10 different industries.

I have been the CMO of a brick-and-mortar business and an e-commerce business.

I’ve run my own digital marketing agency.

I am the founder of:

I currently live in Saint Louis, MO, USA.

I am a former Peace Corps Volunteer and Hospice Volunteer.

In my free time, I:

  • play Pickleball

  • sing sea shanties, ballads, and folk songs

  • practice Hunyuan Taiji & QiGong

  • dance (Argentine Tango)

I am a divergent creative-thinking, problem-solving, idea guy with a high tolerance for ambiguity.

I love a creative challenge.

Basically, I am a Creative-Utility-Infielder-Generalist in a world full of specialists.

I'm a learning sponge who is extremely curious about many things.

I'm eager to reframe things and see them from multiple points of view.

My favorite definition of creativity is:

Creativity is a two-step process.

  • Step 1: Collect dots.

  • Step 2: Filter and connect dots.

I prefer to think in terms of questions in order to find new answers that I can use to find new dots and make new connections.

If we keep asking the same old questions, we’ll keep getting the same old answers and that won't help us survive and thrive in these fast changing times.

I believe in practicing business in the Fairness Zone.

If a deal cannot be done in the Zone of Fairness, I won’t do it.

If the deal is not Win-Win, I won’t do it.

The focus is on trust, collaboration, and reputation.

I firmly believe: together we can do the impossible.

Together we can make a difference.

What Do I Bring to the Table
During a Half-Day Consult?

I bring a different perspective.

I show you how to think a little bit differently.

I help you unlock the potential that is sitting there already in your company.

For example, let’s say you’ve spent 5 or more years building your business. During that time, you’ve become constrained in what you can see, because you’re so close to things. It’s as if you have your hand over one or both of your eyes and you’re unable to see many of the opportunities right in front of you.

We all have blinders on. And when you take the blinders off, you start seeing the opportunities around you. It makes you wonder, where did all of these riches come from? Where have they been hiding for so long? Well, they have been there, right in front of you, all along. But you just couldn’t see them.

Part of what I do is to show you opportunities you're not seeing - things that are already there. And I show you how you can structure deals in ways that you probably have never even thought of before.

I creatively put together deals in which everyone wins.

For my clients, I bring my skills, knowledge, experience, resources, connections, and network

I help Business Owners and Entrepreneurs to:

  • find hidden profit opportunities in their 7+ figure business.

  • build, grow, and exit 7, 8, and 9 figure businesses.

  • do the impossible… innovate, implement, and scale solutions that will get us out of this Climate Change mess and regenerate the environment.

Do you want me to help you build, grow, and exit your business?

If so, then click the button below, fill out our short form, and we’ll send you a one-page agreement and wiring instructions.

Why Learn From Me?

Is 2024 the year you

take your business

to the next level?

Let’s Do the Impossible Together

If you are like most people, you want to make a difference. You want your life to have meaning. You want to live a life full of purpose. You want to leave a legacy.

That can mean different things to different people.

But one of the best ways to live a meaningful life, a life full of purpose and to leave a legacy is to connect what you do to a personal passion AND to a global cause that resonates with you.

I’m assuming you are like me, and you love being an entrepreneur and your business is your vehicle for expressing that passion. But do you have your personal passion connected to a global cause that resonates with you?

I’m sure you have a secret desire to find a way to use your life and your business for a higher purpose. A purpose beyond just making more money. You want to build a legacy.

I too want my business to have a positive impact on my customers, community, and the planet. I too want to connect my passions to a global cause that resonates with me.

In these crazy uncertain times, I recently decided to make a career pivot. I decided to step into the uncomfortable unknown and face the biggest challenge of our era

I decided to dedicate my strengths, experience, skills, connections, and passions to exploring the intersection of entrepreneurs, climate change, action (not more Happy Talk), and regeneration.

As a result, I now help entrepreneurs do the impossible: use their businesses to innovate, implement, and scale solutions that can get us out of this Climate Change mess and regenerate the environment.

As a business owner, I am passionate about helping businesses respond to the pressing issue of Climate Change.

After years of passively sitting on the sidelines waiting for others to do something, I decided to see what I can do. I pivoted into the tsunami headed our way.

And asked, “How can I help?” “What can I proactively do?”

So now I not only help business owners grow and exit their business, I help them make a difference in the fight against climate change.

I believe that business owners and entrepreneurs play a vital role in creating products and services that can help alleviate the effects of Climate Change.

I am dedicated to providing the support and resources necessary for business owners to develop and execute solutions to this crisis.

Through innovation and implementation, I am confident that together, we can do the IMPOSSIBLE…make a positive impact on the climate and begin to move towards a healthier future.

The goal is to ACT NOW regardless of what anyone else says or does and use our collective entrepreneurial strengths and resources to:

  • mitigate

  • adapt

  • regenerate

You may have some other global challenge you want to tie your life and business to.

That’s fine.

For me, it’s finding a way to help us survive Climate Change. It’s huge. And it makes most people feel powerless. It’s an impossible beast to deal with. Victory is far from certain. I don’t care. That is my global cause.

You are invited to join me and we can do the IMPOSSIBLE, together.

Like the song “Wise Enough,” from the band Lamb, says: “we have a chance to make a difference until our dying day.”

We have a chance to do something that’s insanely impossible.

We have a chance to have a huge positive impact on the quality of life for generations to come.

We have a chance to do whatever we can to innovate, implement, and scale strategies that will slow down and reverse Climate Change. And restore the climate and regenerate the environment.

We must do what we can to avoid rising sea levels, biodiversity collapse, and climate breakdown.

It won’t be easy.

The challenge is enormous.

We will need to overcome incredible odds.

Victory is uncertain.

But this work must be done.

For the sake of future generations and for the health of this planet.

We all want to have meaning in our life.

We all want to leave a positive legacy.

This is truly a legacy worth leaving future generations.

What better legacy than to work on the largest problem to face our generation?

The Time Is Now

It’s time now to roll up our selves and do the right thing.

We have the opportunity to act, to experiment, to risk while we dance with uncertainty.

We have to freedom to ask new questions, to find new answers, to create new connections.

We have the power to rewrite our future.

The future is waiting for us to act.

We are being called as entrepreneurs to step up and use our businesses to innovate, implement, and scale solutions to get us out of this Climate Change mess.

That’s It.

I’ll get off my soapbox now.

Rant Out.

Buying an existing business

is SO much easier

than starting one.

And it requires the

same amount of capital (or less).


One comes with

pre-existing sales

and proof of concept.

The other comes with headaches.

you asked

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Half-Day Consult in-person or virtual?

It can be held in-person or virtual. About 80% of Half Day Consults are done over a Zoom-like call.

How Do I book a Half-Day Consult?

If this is something that sounds like a fit for you,

Click the button below and fill out a short application.

I’ll send you a one-page agreement with wiring instructions.

What are we going to do during the Half-Day Consult?

During the Half-Day Consult we find out where you're currently at, then where you want to be, then we create a strategy designed to fill that gap.

Click here to view a list of our most popular Half-Day Consults.

If you have unique needs or the above programs do not fit your situation, feel free to order something off-the-menu.

My team and I can customize a Half-Day Consult for your special situation.

Do you mentor business owners outside of the US?

Yes. We work with business owners around the world.

The tools and strategies I use work for businesses around
the world. Business is business. We can work together via Zoom or WhatsApp.

How much value will I get from the Half-Day Consult?

Our goal is to give you value that is 5x to 10x your

After a Half-Day Consult, guess what the number one most common response business owners ask.

They ask, “how can I keep you more involved?”

Is there a refund policy?

You should NOT invest in this Half-Day Consult if you think you might want to refund it. Once you have received the information, you cannot give it back or "unsee" it.

You will have received access to our valuable intellectual property and materials and therefore THERE ARE NO REFUNDS FOR THIS PROGRAM WHATSOEVER.

All sales are final. If you think you might want a refund, just do not invest in this program. We are only interested in people who are honestly committed to consuming and implementing the strategies we develop during your Half-Day Consult.

I feel powerless, frustrated, and overwhelmed. What can I do?

I’m just a simple entrepreneur. I can’t’ make a difference.

The solution for Powerlessness is connection, communication, and collaboration.

The actions of a focused group can have a larger impact than the actions of a single individual.

Join a tribe of like-minded entrepreneurs.

Or, start a tribe of like-minded entrepreneurs.

Better yet, do both.

Join a tribe that has the people, resources, and focus you want to learn from. This tribe will help you grow.

Then create a tribe where you can transfer to them the nuggets you learned in the other tribe. Learn, implement, share. Members of this tribe will grow because of you.

Your sense of Powerlessness and Frustration will give way to a sense of Hope and Accomplishment.

Will This Be The Year?

Will this be the year you finally:

  • Scale your business to the next level

  • Amplify your reach

  • Thrive amidst uncertainty, chaos, and overwhelm

  • Blaze passed your competition

  • Accomplish goals you thought were impossible

Do you want my help
growing your business?

Yes, You Can:

  • Grow and Exit Your 7+ Figure Business in these crazy uncertain times

  • Achieve a Massive Competitive Advantage and blow past your competition

  • Make a positive impact on Climate Change

Services We Offer

Half-Day Consult

Help you address your

most pressing concerns.

(Up to 4 hour consult.)


Negotiation Consult

Help you negotiate and

review a deal


and % points in the deal


Do you have one or more of the following challenges?

  • For Some Reason Your 7+ Figure Business Has Stopped Growing

  • You Want to Exit Your Business but You Don't Know Where to Start

  • The people, profits, and processes you need to get to the next level are Missing

  • You would love to use strategic acquisitions to quickly acquire customers in large numbers and immediately increase profits.

    But you don’t feel like you have the time, bandwidth, or capital to do it.

  • You want to take your profitable business to the next level, but you don’t know how

  • You’re certain that if you just did a few little things in your business, you’d be so much further along.

    But you’re extremely busy and don’t have the time to figure it out.

the problem

This is where you keep twisting the knife...

when they try to solve the problem, things get worse.


Remind Them of The Scarcity.

That Waiting Will Have Consequences.


How can you drive home the results more? Get as specific as possible.


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How can you drive home the results more? Get as specific as possible.


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our solution

Book a Half-Day Consult with a Business Mentor

How to Get a Business Mentor
On Your SideSection6

If this sounds like a fit for yoSection6u, then let us know.

1. Fill out the Half-Day Consult Request form below.

2. Tell us about yourself, your company, and how we can help you.

3. After we review your request, we’ll send you a one-page agreement with wiring instructions.

4. We will then schedule your Half-Day Consult.

Half-Day Consult Request

How Can We Help You?

Tell Us About Yourself and Your Business

NOTE: Due to Heavy Demand,
the soonest we can schedule
your Half-Day Consults is about 4-6 weeks out.


Act Now

The time to grow your business is NOW.

The time to use your business to innovate, implement, and scale solutions for Climate Change is NOW.

The goal is to ACT NOW - regardless of what anyone else says or does and use our collective entrepreneurial strengths and resources to:

  • Mitigate

  • Adapt

  • Regenerate

The Race is On!

The Race to create and deliver solutions is on.

The Climate Change Clock is Ticking. 

Time is running out.

"The time for hesitation is through. No time to wallow in the mire."

Glaciers are disappearing, the seas are rising, plants and animals are going extinct, rivers and lakes are drying up, etc.

It’s time to do the right thing. NOW.

It's time to do the impossible, together.

It’s time to pitch in and make countless small and large positive changes to minimize and if possible reverse Climate Change.

To do this, we need countless entrepreneurs to step up and innovate, implement, and scale solutions that help us rise up and solve this impossible challenge.

The goal is to implement solutions that will help this generation survive and future generations to thrive on this fast-changing beautiful planet.

The quicker you join this growing tribe, the sooner you can scale your solutions and start networking with a tribe of like-minded business owners.

What steps can you take in the next 30 days

that will help you grow your business and

have a positive impact on Climate Change?

If you are ready to take the Next Step,

Book a FREE 20-minute Discovery Call

(see form below).

Let’s sit down and talk about:

  • You business growth needs.

  • The obstacles you are facing.

  • What you are looking for. Is it learning new skills, getting more done in less time, or increasing your creativity.

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