

Business Owners,

Entrepreneurs, and Founders

Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, and Founders

Has Your 7+ Figure Business

Stopped Growing?

Are the people, profits,

and processes you need to

get to the next level Missing?  

Are you looking for

new and better ways

to grow your business

and increase valuation?

Is it time to Sell Your Business?

Discover How to Get Your Company



Secure Maximum Value

in Your Business...

While Avoiding

the Common Pitfalls

that Many Sellers Fall Victim to

Without Knowing It.

Without the right strategy and preparation,

you could be leaving money on the table

and Making Costly Mistakes. 

Discover "Exit Ready" Secrets You Can Implement Now

STOP! Before You Sell Your Business...

From The Desk Of:

Jim Oliver

Saint Louis, MO

October 22, 2024

Fellow Entrepreneur:


If you want to sell your 7+ figure business, your business has to be Exit Ready.

Successful exits do not happen on a whim or by chance, they require proper planning.

Most businesses on the market are unprepared.

They are NOT Exit Ready.

Selling your business is a one-time event with no second chances.

If you're a business owner looking to sell, you need to be aware of the potential pitfalls and risks that could come along with it.

Proper planning is essential for a successful EXIT and maximizing the value of your business.

Without the right strategy and preparation, you could be leaving money on the table and making costly mistakes.

Taking the time to prepare your business for sale will ensure that you attract the right buyers and get the most out of your business when it comes time to sell.

If you want to sell your business,

your business must be Exit Ready.

So, whether you are ready to sell your business now or want to be Exit Ready when the time is right, we can set the foundation for your success.

Getting the maximum value for your company is more of an art than an exact science.

We'll help you identify the greatest points of leverage and most impactful opportunities to secure maximum value in your business, while avoiding the common pitfalls that many sellers fall victim to without knowing it.

For example

Are you working IN your business?

Does your business need you to work IN the business?

If so, then you are NOT Exit Ready.

Our Half-Day Consult can get you Exit Ready.

What you know and when you know it – can make or break you!


Succeeding in today’s crazy, uncertain, business environment means constantly looking for ways to do things better.


The world has gone crazy.

Everything we once took for granted is changing at a frighteningly fast and furious pace.

Day by day the world is getting more confusing and complex.

Changes that used to take place over a lifetime are taking place overnight.


Let me know if this describes you...

You have built a 7+figure profitable business.

It has been magical, scary, thrilling, and challenging.

But you're thinking about selling your business.

Because there is so much more you want to do with your life.

But what does it take to sell your business and get a good price?

You’re too busy and overwhelmed in your business to set aside time to figure it out.

And there are so many options to choose from.

Your life would be so much better if you had a roadmap or strategic plan that helps you get your business prepped and ready for sale.

You’re certain that if you just did a few little things in your business, you’d be able to get your business Exit Ready.

But you’re extremely busy and don’t have the time to figure it out.

Let me ask you a question:

What steps can you take in the next 30 days

that can help get your business Exit Ready?

Why Not Bring Me On as Your Business Mentor?

Jim Oliver

As your Business Mentor,
I can help you see things clearly.

I can bring you strategies and new ways of seeing things.

I'd love the opportunity to work with you as your Business Mentor.

The way we do this is: we have you invest in a Half-Day Consult with me (up to four hours).

During the consult we address all of your most pressing issues and create an action plan for working through and resolving them.

During that time, we'll identify:

  • what are your goals

  • what are your biggest challenges

  • where you are now

  • where you want to get to

And then we'll figure out how to bridge the gap. In other words, we create a roadmap that shows you how to get you from where you currently are to where you want to be.

The investment is $25K and after our initial meeting, we can decide if it makes sense to work together further.

My Evil Plan...

My “evil plan” is that I'm going to razzle, dazzle, frazzle you so much that you're going to decide that you absolutely must have me as part of your business.

And that you're going to ask me to come into the business and be a partner or have equity ownership.

Let me know if that sounds like a fit

and I'll send you the one-page agreement

and wirings instructions.

If not, no worries.


Food & Beverage Manufacturers

Nutraceutical & Pharmaceutical Formulators

Your Half-Day Consult Options

If you plan to scale or EXIT your business, chances are we can take care of your most pressing issues during a Half-Day Consult.

Some people call me the Half-Day Business Mentor. :)

Here is a list of the most popular Half-Day Consult Packages I provide business owners:

Business Sale

(Exit Ready)

If you want to sell your business, your business has to be Exit Ready.

Successful exits do not happen on a whim or by chance, they require proper planning.

So, whether you are ready to sell your business now or want to be Exit Ready when the time is right, we can set the foundation for your success while avoiding the common pitfalls that many sellers fall victim to without knowing it.

This Half-Day Consult can get you Exit Ready.

Grow Value

(Transferable Value)

This Half-Day Consult shows you how to increase the value of your company.

We show you how to get the most money at EXIT…Not how to EXIT, but how to get the most money for your EXIT.

If you’re looking to increase the value of your company, this is the Half-Day Consult you need.

"What Else You Got?"

If your business has unique needs or the above programs do not fit your situation, feel free to order something off-the-menu.

My team and I can customize a Half-Day Consult for your special situation.

Increased Business Productivity:

Lean Process Improvement Analysis

Review the processes in each of your teams and then identify opportunities for improvement

If you’re like most business owners, you are really good at somethings and not so good at others. Sometimes, the areas you are not strong at can prevent you from growing your business to the next level.

And sometimes, you experience hard times and feel like your hair is on fire and you don’t know what to do.

That’s when you might want to reach out to a Business Mentor.

If you think this is a good fit and you need a Business Mentor:

1. Click the button below

2. Fill out the short form

We'll send you a one-page agreement and wiring instructions.

We look forward to helping you solve your challenges and get you to the next level.

Do you want my help growing your business?

Yes, I Want To Work With Jim.
No Thanks. I’d Rather Do It Myself

About Jim Oliver

I am an investor, Business Mentor, Business Growth Strategist, Acquisition Advisor, Exit Valuation Multiplier, and Podcaster.

I help entrepreneurs Acquire, Grow, and Exit 7, 8, and 9 figure businesses.

My goal is to help entrepreneurs do the impossible: connect with like-minded souls as they innovate, scale, and implement solutions that get us out of this Climate Change mess.

I am the founder of:


I’ve been a consultant in 10 different industries.

I have been the CMO of a brick-and-mortar business and an e-commerce business.

I’ve run my own digital marketing agency.

I currently live in Saint Louis, MO, USA.

In my free time I play Pickleball, sing sea shanties, practice Hunyuan Taiji & QiGong, and dance (Argentine Tango).

I am a former Peace Corps Volunteer and Hospice Volunteer.

I am a divergent creative-thinking, problem-solving, idea guy with a high tolerance for ambiguity.

I love a creative challenge.

Basically, I am a Creative Utility Infielder Generalist in a world full of specialists.

I'm a learning sponge who is extremely curious about many things.

I'm eager to reframe things and see them from multiple points of view.

My favorite definition of creativity is:

Creativity is a two-step process.

  • Step 1: Collect dots.

  • Step 2: Filter and connect dots.

I prefer to think in terms of questions in order to find new answers that I can use to find and connect new and different dots.

If we keep asking the same old questions, we’ll keep getting the same old answers and that won't help us survive and thrive in these fast changing times.

I believe in practicing business in the Fairness Zone.

If a deal cannot be done in the Zone of Fairness, I won’t do it.

If the deal is not Win-Win, I won’t do it.

The focus is on trust, collaboration, and reputation.

I firmly believe: together we can do the impossible.

Together we can make a difference.

What Do I Bring to the Table
During a Half-Day Consult?

I bring a different perspective.

I show you how to think a little bit differently.

I help you unlock the potential that is sitting there already in your company.

For example, let’s say you’ve spent 5 or more years building your business. During that time, you’ve become constrained in what you can see, because you’re so close to things. It’s as if you have your hand over one or both of your eyes and you’re unable to see many of the opportunities right in front of you.

We all have blinders on. And when you take the blinders off, you start seeing the opportunities around you. It makes you wonder, where did all of these riches come from? Where have they been hiding for so long? Well, they have been there, right in front of you, all along. But you just couldn’t see them.

Part of what I do is to show you opportunities you're not seeing - things that are already there. And I show you how you can structure deals in ways that you probably have never even thought of before.

I creatively put together deals in which everyone wins.

For my clients, I bring my skills, knowledge, experience, resources, connections, and network

I help Business Owners and Entrepreneurs to:

  • find hidden profit opportunities in their 7+ figure business.

  • build, grow, and exit 7, 8, and 9 figure businesses.

  • do the impossible… innovate and implement solutions that will get us out of this Climate Change mess.

Do you want me to help you EXIT your business?

If so, then click the button below, fill out our short application, and we’ll send you a one-page agreement and wiring instructions.

Why Learn From Me?

you asked

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Half-Day Consult in-person or virtual?

It can be held in-person or virtual. About 80% of Half Day Consults are done over a Zoom-like call.

How Do I book a Half-Day Consult?

If this is something that sounds like a fit for you,

Click the button below and fill out a short application.

I’ll send you a one-page agreement with wiring instructions.

Do you mentor business owners outside of the US?

Yes. We work with business owners around the world.

The tools and strategies I use work for businesses around
the world. Business is business. We can work together via Zoom or WhatsApp.

Q: How much value will I get from the Half-Day Consult?

After a Half-Day Consult, guess what the number one most common response business owners ask.

They ask, “how can I keep you more involved?”

Is there a refund policy?

You should NOT invest in this Half-Day Consult if you think you might want to refund it. Once you have received the information, you cannot give it back or "unsee" it.

You will have received access to our valuable intellectual property and materials and therefore THERE ARE NO REFUNDS FOR THIS PROGRAM WHATSOEVER.

All sales are final. If you think you might want a refund, just do not invest in this program. We are only interested in people who are honestly committed to consuming and implementing the strategies we develop during your Half-Day Consult.

Do you want Jim to help you
EXIT your business?

Services We Offer

Half-Day Consult

As Your Business Mentor

I help you address your

most pressing concerns.

(Up to 4 hour consult.)


Negotiation Consult

As Your Business Mentor

I help you negotiate and

review a deal


and % points in the deal

How to Get a Business Mentor
On Your Side

If this sounds like a fit for you, then let us know.

1. Fill out the form below.

2. Tell us about yourself, your company, and how we can help you.

3. After we review your request, we’ll send you a one-page agreement with wiring instructions.


Act Now

If it's time for you to sell your business and free up your time to take on other projects, then before you sell your business, make sure you maximize it's value and get it Exit Ready.

To get your business Exit Ready, Book a Half-Day Consult.

The quicker you schedule a Half-Day Consult, the sooner you can do what it takes to get your business Exit Ready and the sooner you can free up your time to take on other projects.

What steps can you take in the next 30 days

that will help you EXIT your business?

If you are ready to take the Next Step,

Book a FREE 20-minute Discovery Call

(see form below).

Let’s sit down and talk about:

  • You business growth needs.

  • The obstacles you are facing.

  • What you are looking for. Is it learning new skills, getting more done in less time, or increasing your creativity.

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